Faculty of Education Promotion Attended the press conference for the 90th anniversary of Rajabhat Teachers' College

May 15, 2024 (Admin) EDU's Activities

May 8th, 2024
Faculty of Education, Yala Rajabhat University, led by Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammadtolan Kaema, Dean of the Faculty of Education, along with Professor Janjalee Thanomlikitwong ​Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Assistant Professor Hooseen Hasanan, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Preserve of Arts and Culture Promotion Attended the press conference for the 90th anniversary of Rajabhat Teachers' College. Treasury of Wisdom of the Southern Border To make statements and public relations about various activities To be held
 within the event, there will be Assistant Professor Dr. Sirichai Namburi, Acting President of Yala Rajabhat University. He presided over the opening ceremony of the event at the Chan Kaphor conference room, 3rd floor, Chaloem Phrakiat Building, 50th Anniversary of Maha Vajiralongkorn. Yala Rajabhat University.